The Knights of Columbus are an international fraternal organization started in the basement of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, CT in 1882. They were started to help Catholic gentlemen grow in their faith as well as provide a financial cushion for those who needed to provide for their families in an uncertain age. Knights of Columbus Insurance program is one of the hallmarks of the organization and is open to all members. Our Lady Star of the Sea Council #8143 is based here at St. Egbert.
The Council meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Grand Knight – James Hibbs
Deputy GK – Gary Corsmeier
Financial Secretary – Bill Stompf
Chancellor – Ed Cerwonka
Recorder – Noel Costa
Treasurer – Dick Belanger
Advocate – Treve Lumsden
Warden – John Cassidy
Inside Guard – Paul Acheson
Outside Guard – Michale A. Shutak
Trustee 1 Year – Maher Saikali
Trustee 2 Years – Michale Deluca
Trustee 3 Years – Michael Shutak II
Lecturer -
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